PC Creations Consulting

Serving small business in
South Central
 New York since 1994




Personal Info



As I re-enter retirement, I find less need to continue reaching out to new businesses. I still retain a (very) few clients only because I have established a elevated level of synergy and trust with them. I will continue to provide professional services to them and, may, consider accepting challenges to businesses I feel might be a good fit to me and my services.

Obviously there is a vast difference between how PC technologies for business is designed vs what small business really is.

My services include support to "real" small business:
- Recommendations for the minimum equipment that they need that will cover current needs but also probable needs over the next 3 to 4 years. (keeping a balance of price and quality)
- Support of that equipment (hardware, software, upgrades, education, etc)
- Availability for quick questions and advise
- Research when required
- In other words - a "geek on staff" when needed.
This involves:
Familiarity with the business at hand and small business in general,
Familiarity with current state-of-the-art and probable advances,
Current issues in the Information Systems world (e.g., viruses, spyware, etc)
Knowledge of Advantages/Disadvantages of various approaches and technologies
Non-technical explanations of services performed and recommendations

See Fees page for info on web hosting & design